5-10-2011 Interview At age 3 or 4 Steve Drukman discovered that fiction – something unreal – could change a person’s attitude and feelings. Of course, as he says, he didn’t have either the words or the sophistication to think of it in those terms, but…
Tag: Asolo Repertory Theatre
March 1, 2011 Jason Bradley grew up in rural Wisconsin and spent his childhood running through the forest behind his house with his friends making up stories to act out. He says it was the freedom to play and the imagination that fueled this play…
2-22-11 Discussion – Have you suspected that you could really have enjoyed sports, or writing or painting, but have somehow been unable to pursue these things? Are you aware that there might be aspects of you that you’ve been unable to surface, access and enjoy?…
February 1, 2011 David Hirson doesn’t know when he decided that he was a writer because looking back it seems that he was always a writer; by the age of 10 he was “filling notebooks with ideas and thinking about what he wanted to write.…
January 25, 2011 Interview – At about 5 years old Jimmy Clark saw the movie of A Midsummer Nights Dream and told his mom “that’s where I want to live.” Lucky Jimmy was surrounded both at home and in school by people who really saw…
January 18, 2011 Interview – Danny Scheie (pronounced Shay) was 4 or 5 years old when his parents took him to see Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins and when he saw her dancing with a cartoon penguin he thought “I must do that!” When family…
December 7, 2010 Discussion – In this show I am recapping the concepts of Cover Story and Undercover. I explain that it can be dangerous to begin to recover denied parts of ourselves and I describe The Growing Edge, off of which we must leap…
Songs from the brand new musical Bonnie and Clyde, which it is hoped is headed from its run at the Asolo in Sarasota right to Broadway – A cast album has not yet been recorded so these songs don’t exist anywhere else, hear them before any…
February 23, 2010 Michael Joseph Mitchell is a lucky guy and the Asolo is lucky to have him. The 3 roles he is playing in this Asolo Repertory Theatre season were to go to a member of the company who got a role in a…
February 16, 2010 Doug Jones began his life in Costa Rica, speaking Spanish. He was 3 years old when his family returned to the US and to help him learn English they put him in a little drama class. He did his first play at…
February 09, 2010 Discussion – One of the ways to discover the danger that might be stopping you from discovering the parts of yourself which you had to hide is to explore your Catastrophic Expectations. In this show I will discuss this concept and explain…
February 02, 2010 Discussion – Is there a danger attached to discovering those parts of you which you have had to hide undercover? Are there consequences, of which you are consciously unaware, to discovering aspects of yourself that you have hidden (even from yourself) or…
November 10, 2009 I’m dedicating this show to a review by Sharon Leslie of the Tony Award winning musical “Contact,” which celebrates its 10th anniversary with a collaboration between the Asolo Repertory Company and the Sarasota Ballet Company at the Asolo Theater in Sarasota Florida…
April 07, 2009 In this show I introduce the concept of The Great Trait Swap and explain how difficult it can be to give up a role you’ve been assigned and take on a quality that had been assigned to another family member. I also…
February 22, 2009 Here I begin to describe how brain chemistry can be altered, and air Sharon’s reviews of The Imaginary Invalid and Visiting Mr. Green currently playing at the Asolo Rep, and also play parts of my interviews with Carolyn Michel, star of Invalid,…