The Change Center
PO Box 35096, Sarasota, Florida, 34242
In FL (941) 349-1010
The Change Center assists individuals and organizations who are experiencing change, planned or unplanned, anticipated or unexpected. It specializes in change management, team building, strategic planning, facilitation and coaching.
Next Step Unlimited
PO Box 35096
Sarasota, Florida 34242
Next Step Unlimited is an organizational development-consulting firm offering custom training programs including needs assessment, customer service, TQM, conflict resolution, & keynote presentations.
Tillman Hartley LLC
Gainesville, Florida 32608-7124
Director of Marketing
Created and employed marketing strategies to appeal to high net worth clients interested in benefiting from unique a financial planning model. Created and administered the team building piece of the Accelerated Business Team™ approach.
D.S.W. Inc.
New York, New York 10017
Assistant Director of Training
Administration of an Office of Economic Opportunity grant to provide training and technical assistance to community-action agencies, local boards and residents of five Model Cities in the North East.
License and Certification
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Florida
- Licensed Marriage, Family Child Therapist, California
- Certified Minority Business Owner, Florida
- Who’s Who in California
- Who’s Who of American Women
- Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare
- WHEN YOU CAN YOU WILL – Trade Paperback
Berkley Books, A Putnam Company, New York - WHEN YOU CAN YOU WILL – Hard Cover
Lowell House – Los Angeles, CA - WHEN YOU CAN YOU WILL –Three CD Series
- WHEN YOU CAN YOU WILL – The Workbook