Interview with Stephanie Larkin – Dancer, Musician, IT specialist and Head Penguin at Red Penguin Books 1-24-21 Interview with the extraordinary Stephanie Larkin, who is the poster child for the adage when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Beginning ballet school at 2 and “adoring” it, Stephanie thought she’d be a dancer. An injury at 13, left her with 6…

Interview with Carolyn Michel and Howard Millman, The Anatomy of an Artist Series with Lynne Bernfield can be heard and downloaded 1-14-21 Interviews with Carolyn Michel and Howard Millman. On Sunday, January 31, 3:00 the first show of the brand new Sarasota Jewish Theater season will feature Carolyn, directed by…

Interview with Andy Sandberg

5-11-20 Interview The board of the Hermitage Artist Retreat in Florida announced today that the organization has chosen Andy Sandberg as its Artistic Director and Chief Executive Officer as of January 1, 2020. Sandberg succeeds Bruce Rodgers, who is retiring after serving as the Hermitage’s…

Interview with Film Commissioner Jeannie Corcoran

1-6-20 Interview 2-24-20 Jeanne Corcoran is the director, Sarasota county film & entertainment office since 2007. She is an award-winning writer/producer/creative director and on-camera talent, in television and video productions, including dozens of concept-to-completion projects plus original tv and video content, music, books, electronic media,…

Interview with director Celine Rosenthal

1-20-20 Interview 1-20-20 Celine Rosenthal, is an Associate Artistic Director at The Asolo Repertory Company. She was captured by theatre very young and predictably studied acting. Surprisingly, although she loved everything about acting; script analysis, the rehearsal process etc., she really didn’t like being on…

Interview with Glenn Schudel

1-14-19 Interview 1-14-19, a scholar, rhetoric and Shakespeare specialist Glenn Schudel is a multi-faceted, multi-talented man. Although he didn’t take a straight path, over time Glenn discovered his interest in and passion for acting, writing, directing, and teaching. Disciplined and conscientious he studied and became…

Interview with Musician Jerry Bilik

1-15-18 Interview 5-28-18 Jerry Billik is a composer, arranger, songwriter, conductor, and director of stage productions. Although he downplays his skill and accomplishments Jerry’s career is extraordinary. A musical virtuoso by the age of 13, he has composed more than 50 pieces of music, from…