Interview with multi-talented Michael Raver   4-8-2024 Interview with the beyond multi-talented Michael Raver, who is currently using his exquisite acting skills to inhabit Haskell, “The Immigrant,” A refugee from a Russian pogrom, and survivor of what must have seemed like an unending ship ride in steerage, to…

Interview with Stephanie Larkin – Dancer, Musician, IT specialist and Head Penguin at Red Penguin Books 1-24-21 Interview with the extraordinary Stephanie Larkin, who is the poster child for the adage when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Beginning ballet school at 2 and “adoring” it, Stephanie thought she’d be a dancer. An injury at 13, left her with 6…

Interview with Joel King

5-24-16 Interview 6-14-16 Artist, singer, dancer, actor, playwright, producer, director Joel King discovered his multiple talents unexpectedly. He would simply do these things; draw, sing, dance, write and act, and luckily for him people continually congratulated him on his skill and encouraged him to do…

Audio Interview with Diana Colson

6-2-2015 Audio Interview Diana Colson is a teacher, an award winning film maker, a composer, a lyricist, the creator of musicals and children’s opera and an author. Although she was an accomplished pianist Diana believed that “if you’re married to an artist somebody better get…