7-26-2011 Discussion – Who are you? Are you the Cover Story you present? Do you know what aspects of yourself you might be keeping Undercover? Do you know which chemicals are being dropped into your bloodstream – and how they influence who you think you…
Month: July 2011
7-19-11 Interview Greg Leaming thought he wanted to be an actor, but his height (he’s 6’6) made that very difficult, so he turned his talents and his interest to the study of directing. This stood him in terrific stead when, as associate and artistic director,…
7-12-11 Interview Lindsay Marie Tierce saw West Side Story at a local high school and it changed her life. Immediately recognizing that she wanted to study theater, Lindsay switched from the Christian School she’d always attended, to the high school which had put on the…
7-5-11 We Hold These Truths On December 15 th 1941, (following the bombing of Pearl Harbor) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt requested that Norman Corwin’s radio play “We Hold These Truths,” written to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, become…