On December 15 th 1941, (following the bombing of Pearl Harbor) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt requested that Norman Corwin’s radio play “We Hold These Truths,” written to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, become the first radio program to be carried by all the network stations in the country.
Starring Edward Arnold, Walter Brennen, Bob Burns, Walter Huston, Marjorie Mane, Edward G Robinson, Corporal James Stewart, Rudy Valley and Orson Wells, “We Hold These Truths” is a stirring tribute to creation of the Bill of Rights and culminates in a speech by FDR, in which he explained why the United States was going to war. 50 years later “We Hold These Truths” was rebroadcast on NPR to celebrate of the 200th anniversary – Today in honor of Independence Day I am airing this remarkable piece of history.
You can also hear a pod cast of my interviews with 100 year old Norman Corwin by clicking here: