Discussion – Who are you? Are you the Cover Story you present? Do you know what aspects of yourself you might be keeping Undercover? Do you know which chemicals are being dropped into your bloodstream – and how they influence who you think you are and what you think you can do? – These are the things I am discussing in the first half of the show.
Interview – Over the last 6 weeks I have focused on Florida State University’s Graduate Acting Program, which is housed in and supported by The Asolo Repertory Theatre in Sarasota Florida. In this show I am airing an interview with Linda DiGabriele, who is the Asolo’s Managing Director. Listen to Linda’s passionate commitment to the arts – especially theater, which began when 6 year old Linda and her siblings and cousins hid behind make shift curtains, and put on plays for their parents. Hear how this courageous woman – who knew what she needed to do with her life, resisted her Mom’s suggestions that she have a fall-back plan. And how right she was!