At seven, Louise Stinespring played the pregnant Virgin Mary in the 2nd grade Christmas play. Exuberantly improvising her part, she rushed around the stage desperately looking for a place to lie down and have her baby (listen to her re-enactment by clicking on interview at the top of this post). After the play Louise’s mother reported that one of the other mothers had said that “Louise had talent.” Apparently that mother was right as Louise was accepted to sturdy at the prestigious Neighborhood Playhouse with the iconic Sanford Meisner and one of the few asked to return for the second year. It has not been an easy path for Louise but she is not only a talented actress, director and teacher, she is a resourceful, passionate woman who has faced every disappointment and obstacle and found a way to survive, take care of her family and stay in the theater. Today she teaches acting and directs plays in Sarasota FL her “mini Manhattan home” at the unconventional Home Resource Contemporary Furniture space and the Players Theater where her production of ‘Night Mother’ opens on 4/19. Listen to Louise’s story, laugh out loud at her stint as the “Funny Bunny in a production which toured The Playboy Clubs, and be inspired.