October 28, 2008 As the election approaches I dedicate the entire show to the second part of my interview with Keith Fitzgerald. In it Keith explains why politicians must avoid being ideological or dogmatic, he makes a strong case for the necessity to be flexible…
Month: October 2008
October 21, 2008 Camouflage Weight Problem – The unconscious uses problems we already have as Camouflage to distract us from problems we are not yet ready to face. In this show I demonstrate how a concern about being overweight can be a camouflage problem. I…
Ocboter 14, 2008 Interview with attorney Allen Arrow who at 80 years old is still a practicing music law and whose clients include The Rolling Stones, Frank Loesser and Liza Minnelli. Camouflage – Our unconscious is always protecting us from a danger our conscious mind…
Ocbtober 07, 2008 What is Normal – In this show I caution against self-criticism, explaining that it’s a mistake to label any quality or behavior as bad, flawed or abnormal, since you can’t have any quality that the rest of us don’t have. I return…