Discussion – What are the stories that you tell about yourself? What are the stories you don’t tell about yourself. You can learn a great deal about your Cover Story – that which you present to the world, and your Undercover – that which you hide not only from the world, but from yourself as well, simply by becoming aware of those things you feel good about telling others and those things you prefer to keep secret.
Interview – Tome Cousin, tells the remarkable story of a series of coincidences which lead him, with no intention on his part, to a successful career as a dancer, singer, actor and now, as the Artistic Directing Supervisor of Susan Strohman’s musical “Contact,” which he has most recently brought to Sarasota Florida (listen next week to a review of “Contact.”) Exposed to music as a boy of 6 in order to address a problem of dyslexia, Tome discovered that he was a “natural mover.” But it took many more “coincidences,” before the “light bulb went on” and he thought “I can do that!” Then using the skills he learned at an all boys Catholic military High school (not exactly classical training for a performer), Tome developed his “natural” talents and there isn’t enough room here to begin to list his credits. Suffice it to say that once he found it – Tome became the he – he was meant to be.