3-16-20 Interview
Slate Counts has created an exciting piece of theater about William S. Burroughs. A writer and performer, Slate is the perfect person to introduce Burroughs to a new audience. He too has been intrigued by the areas of thought and imagination that Burroughs explored in his long, fascinating and checkered career, areas many think of as “on the edge.” Listen to Slate describe Burroughs extraordinary life and career, as well as the many famous people who were drawn to him. You can see this next week on Zoom when Slate brings his piece to the Sarasolo Festival. In addition to Slate’s work you can see 3 other interesting Solo performances, including one by Blake Walton, co-founder of the Sarasol Festival. For just $25.00 per household you can see two of these performances. Go to www.sarasolo.org for information and tickets,