3-5-18 Shirley Goodman’s father taught her to dance when she was a small child. Although the family could not afford to pay for lessons, teachers choose to teach her for free. Modestly Shirley says’ “I guess they believed I had talent.” She began performing at eight years old and she never stopped, listen to tell the story of winning the competition on the Major Bowes radio show. She was encouraged to go to New York and purse a career as a dancer, but she didn’t want to “give up her life.” She started a dancing school of her own at age 17, but closed it after 4 years to marry her childhood sweetheart and raise their 4 children. As she approaches her 95th birthday you can still see Shirley tap dancing with energy and passion of that 8 year old many places in Sarasota. Listen to this inspiring woman tell the story of an ordinary, extraordinary life