July 29, 2008 Feelings – emotions, which are a necessary part of being human, get a bad rap in our society, we dismiss or discount them often saying – don’t mind me I’m just being emotional. Our criticism of the expression of emotion can make…
Month: July 2008
July 22, 2008 Because Past Dangers were often created in our childhood, we may have forgotten or be in denial for the events which caused them and therefore they can be difficult to identify. This show continues to explore the area of Past Dangers. In…
July 15, 2008 Changes which require us to re-experience something we experienced earlier in our lives which had bad consequences become Past Dangers and our reluctance to put ourselves in what was once harm’s way can stop us from doing things we would otherwise want…
July 08, 2008 Changes which require us to do things we have never done before often represent what I call Future Dangers as we can not ever predict the outcome of a risk we have not yet taken. In this show I describe possible future…
July 01, 2008 Continuing the theme of the Danger of Change, I talk about the Catastrophic Expectations of both failure and success. And interview Dick Hyman world famous jazz musician, composer of serious works as well as most of Woody Allen’s film scores and his…