Interview with Paul Helm – Murder for Two

7-23-18 Interview 7/23/18 Pianist, singer, director, actor, musical director Paul Helm was lucky. From the elderly babysitter who convinced his parents to give four year old Paul piano lessons, to the choir teacher who “saw something in him,” to the agent who having seen Paul…

SaraSolo 2016 Interviews

1-12-15 SaraSolo2016 Interviews Last year Annie Morrison, Blake Walton and David Coyle created a one person performance festival called SaraSolo. It was a huge success. This year it is back. SaraSolo 2016 brings a new crop of diverse, interesting and compelling performances. Carolyn Michel and…

Memorial to Jimmy Hoskins

12-30-14 Memorial to Jimmy Hoskins – Audio Interview Dancer, choreographer, movement coach, director, painter, writer, storyteller, teacher, cook, Jimmy Hoskins was member on the of the Penn State University theater faculty for 10 years, professor emeritus of theater at Florida State University, staff choreographer for…

Interview with Howie Kaye

5-6-14 – Audio Interview Howie Kaye is an actor; plays, musicals, he can do it all. But Howie didn’t choose to be an actor, “it chose him.” An elementary school music teacher suggested that he join the All Cities Boys Choir – Howie did. Then…