3-26-18 Interview
3-26-18 Bob Fuhlrode got a drum when he was five years old and immediately he began, not only to play it, but to keep good time. He commandeered a pot to act as a sock cymbal and began to jam with his grandfather’s friends. He “picked-up” the piano and created an ”act” in which he moved from boogie woogie on the piano to drum solos, and with this “act” he won the Horace Heidt completion 4 times winding up playing at the Hollywood Bowl when he was just 11. Listen to how he accompanied 14 year old Johnny Mathis on piano when he was just 12 and all the other interesting stories of a life lived in love with music. Then hear how he discovered another passion. And come hear him play with the Don Stuart Band at the Phillipe Creek Gazebo on 3/29 at 12:00 admission is free but bring a chair or blanket.