April 29, 2008 This show begins with a re-cap of why we can’t change when we want to and introduces the concept of Anti-Modeling. In it I conclude my interview with Michele Brourman and play two more songs from her CD “Fools and Little Children.”
Month: April 2008
April 22, 2008 I recorded this show in Los Angeles. In it I discuss the impact of Modeling on our ability to change and begin a series of interviews called Anatomy of An Artist, with the first half of an interview with Michele Brourman, singer/composer/arranger/producer…
April 08, 2008 In this show I recap the small change exercise and interview Yoga Teacher Charlie Bradt with whom I discuss our very human resistance to change and play “I’m not Getting Married” written by Steven Sondheim and sung by Madelyn Kahn.
April 01, 2008 Small Change In this show I tell some stories from my own life, and continue exploring the impact of our family of origin on our current life, by explaining the concept of the Great Trait Swap and offering the Small Change exercise.…